The Meatrix
In the short film "The Meatrix" a character named Moopheus approaches a pig character named Leo. He asked him if he knows what is The Meatrix and if he wants to know about it. Moopheus explains how the Meatrix is all around him, "it is the story we tell ourselves about where are meat and animal products come from". Moopheus shows Leo the real world where a factory farm is where most eggs, milk and meat come from. Factory farming is used to maximize profits and small farms were decreased.
The Meatrix: Revolting
In this second part of the short film the Narrator Moopheus goes into more depth into the factory farm. Cow mutilation like cutting of the tails and again antibiotic overuse. These corporations use artificial hormones such as RGBH which causes increased growth rates. Also the calves are separated from their mothers and are feed milk derived from dead animals, the dead are fed back to the living but this in causing diseases in the animals such as Mad cow disease. In the end Moopheus is capture and Leo yet again reminds us that we can still stop these corporations by supporting local family farms.
The Meatrix II 1/2.
In this final part of the film the agents have Moopheus tied down at the farming factory and the agents explain to him how the factory operates, it process 5000 cows a day, all this to feed Americas fast food nation.but this fast pace environment also cause dangerous working habits for the workers inside this factory this all in the name for profit that is name for it. Because of the fast pace lines there's manure in the meat that falls from the dead animal, this causes a great risk of Bacteria.
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