Friday, October 8, 2010

Blog 7: I Am Not A Cyborg

Then write a 400-word essay where you prove to myself and your classmates that you either are or are not a cyborg. Start by giving YOUR OWN definition of what a “cyborg” is and then use evidence from your own life and experience to support your claims. Be as detailed as possible. You may quote any of the definitions that you found out yesterday, if it helps.

                  The word cyborg is over 50 years old.

Not done!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kristina:

    I left some comments on the revision of blog 4 for you.

    Blog Series Evaluation 2:

    A good set of blogs, even if missing Blog 7. For the next set, I would like for you to try to focus on using specific details/ examples,
