Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Blog 16: The New Industrial Migrants

Part I

          In the first passage "The New Industrial Migrants" from Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser is telling readers that young men and women from Mexico, Central America, and Southeast Asia starting going to Colorado for work. The meatpacking jobs offers poor wages and theres always a replacement of employees. "The average worker quits or was fired every three months." Alot of the workers do not speak English and most of them are Mexican immigrants. Its told health insurance is given after six months on the job and vacation pay after a year, but most of the workers never get that vacation.

Part II

         In the second reading of  "The New Industrial Migrants" from Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser explains  how the company realized that immigrants work for lower wages than AAmerican citizens and they are unwilling to join unions. Most of all meatpacking workers are illegal immigrants. One meatpacking executive joked " If they got a pulse well take an application.".

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