Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blog 4: Summary of "The Allergory of the Cave" & My response to “My Place in the Cave”

 "The Allegory of the Cave" 

          In Plato's "Allegory of the Cave", Socrates tells a symbolic story to one of his pupil named Glaucon, and is telling him a brief tale having a moral to explain what it is like to be a philosopher.  Most people, including ourselves, live in a world of comparison of no knowledge.  He said "let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened". When we start facing the truth, the series of changes may be frightening, and many of the people run back to their old lives, to the old routine.  But if you continue to look for the truth, you will eventually be able to handle it better.  Those who do not know about your new knowledge seem to not understand and might refer to you as dangerous.  As said in the passage "once you have tasted the truth, you will not ever want to go back to being ignorant!". 

  “My Place in the Cave”
     The idea of "human beings living in a underground den", comes from "The Allegory of the Cave".  Socrates  constructs a scenario where one is set free to experiencing the world outside the cave, with the new perception of the world trying to explain what was seen on the outside.   
               If i have to imagine that i was in Socrates cave the stage i would pick is still chained.  I would have some knowledge what i am in but not really where i am.  There is nothing but dirt around me.  There are more just like me, chained to the wall from the neck, legs and arms.  We are prisoner's, I've been chained for years now.  Behind us is a fire burning and in front of us all we see is shadow.  I feel i have lost my mind, so have the others.  We do not know what it is to be free of ourselves.  

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blog 3:" Things I Need to Remember When I Write Summaries."

  • Read the article.
  • Re-read the article
  • Underline important ideas/ Include only the most important ideas
  • To summarize in the beginning of the essay ( as you recommended )
  • A Paragraph  can be summarized by one of its own sentences most commonly found in the very first sentence.
  • Include the authors name when summarizing. 
  • Put in your own words, but use quotes or paraphrases
  • Nothing new should be added
  • Keep in order

Monday, September 20, 2010

“What I need to do to pass the CATW"

    •   Be able to read and understand a reading passage.
    •   Identify the authors main ideas and important supporting ideas 
    •   Make references to ideas, either with direct quotes or paraphrasing. 
    •   Manage my time during the exam to allow for editing.
    •   Use a outline and write down key ideas

    Tuesday, September 14, 2010


              Advertisements can be done serval ways, commercials, billboards, radio, tv screens at stores and stadiums, posters and many other ways.  An advertisement is to show a product, show a place, its about telling the viewer about something.  It can be seen on moving objects for example an advertisement on a bus or train.  It can be heard on the radio, by a person making an annoucement or on the television as a commercial.  Ad's are to catch a persons attention visually and mentally.  The increase in commercial advertising has happend so steadily and relentlensy.  The author in the passage feels its damaging the minds of people.
              Everyday an estimated of 12 billion display ads, 3 million radio commercials, and more than 200,000 TV commercials are poured into America's collective minds.  No longer are ads found in the usual places like buses, billboards and stadiums.  Advertisments are always happening, seen and heard from the momment you wake up to the late night tv watching.  Commercials are running through your mind, causing pollution to your brain, in the authors opinion.  The authors important idea in his passage is about how advertisments are the most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutantas.  Everywhere we look theres a place that can be found filled with a logo or product message.  There isnt a place someone goes with out a product being advertised.  A normal day at the supermarket shopping for groceries will also involed advertisements.  Stopping at an atm for fast cash, while you wait an ad will pop up on the screen.  Going on a trip around town to go sight seeing will be disturbed by big billboards and posters posted.  No one is exempt and no one will be spared.